Hey Stranger family.

Happy Thursday! How is everyone doing out there? As for me I am recovering from WonderCon where I lost my voice but found some friends. Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by!

We had a lovely interview with Stephanie Holland of The Root. Check it out HERE. 

This week we are taking our show on the road to Steel City Comic Con!

We have a discount all weekend on our website: :) Just use DISCOUNT CODE: STEEL for 20% off everything on the store (except the Steel City Bundles below, which are already discounted.) This will help if you want to get the WonderCon exclusive – The BLADE INKS (and anything else on the Stranger Reserve.) We still have a few!

There is also a STEEL CITY section on our website for the weekend, which has built in discounts for Trade Paperbacks and Hardcovers HERE.

Our next comic convention will most likely be SDCC! As we are gearing up next for our big online STRANGER CON next month. Stay tuned for all the fun and games and exclusives when we launch TALES OF ASUNDA #1: FIRST KILL on our Patreon!

INSTAGRAM LIVE: I will be taking this week off as I get my voice back. So see you next week, I will return to the IG LIVE fray :)

Much love and stay safe!
Best, Seb


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