Stranger Featured at ECCC
We're on our way back from an awesome Emerald City Comic Con 2024, and we've been featured on AIPT Comics as an Indie stand out. Check out the article HERE.
Legion M and Stranger Comics have announced that they will be collaborating to produce the Defiant graphic novel based on the life of the incomparable Robert Smalls. Click the link below for the full story!
Nerdist Features Tales of Asunda
With the launch of Tales of Asunda in comic shops set for this June and the deadline to order from Diamond Comics fast approaching at the end of April, Nerdist has featured the first issue on their site, showing the covers along with sample pages. Check out the full article HERE.
Sebastian Spotlighted in Diamond Previews with Tales of Asunda #1
Tales of Asunda is in today's Diamond Previews and they've put a Spotlight on Sebastian as a result. You can see the article below along with the listing for Tales! Contact your local comic shop now to ask them to preorder it. It will only be available for them to order for 1 month. Diamond has also offered the trade paperbacks for Untamed to retailers for reorder since the story in Tales, "Niobe and the Stranger," stems from The Untamed. PREORDER ONLINE: Not sure where to preorder? Follow THIS LINK to Previews World, click PREORDER and then register with PULLBOX to be connected...
Thuso Mbedu and Sebastian Jones team up for Niobe: She Tribe!
The Woman King and The Underground Railroad actor Thuso Mbedu is joining Stranger Comics to pen a new tale in the publisher’s Tales of Asunda afro-fantasy series, and io9 has your first look.