Hello Strangers!
Happy Thursday! How are you guys doing? Heading into the new year I’ve been thinking a fair bit on how I want to spend my time and with who. As I race towards the half century mark (how did this happen) I have gotten to reminiscing, but in a good way. Time is precious. You never realize that when you’re young, but now it’s the only commodity that truly matters. It’s my constant teacher, schooling me on awareness and perspective. What to work on, who to forgive and who to walk away from without malice. It is also a reminder for me to remove my mask, and dare to be vulnerable so I can have meaningful relationships. I think it’s instinct, conscience, and common sense (the angels) that guide us, warn us, and at times build up walls from the people who seek harm, or just those who are not ready to engage but do, and are just not aware enough to know.
COLLECTION DEAL: Starting today we are doing an extra discount on the BUNDLE DEALS OF TRADE PAPERBACKS AND HARDCOVERS all through February! As shown on front page of the site in the FEATURED COLLECTION at www.strangercomics.com
PLUS A DISCOUNT: The Black History Month sale starts today. 20% off with code BLACKHISTORY and yes, it applies to the Stranger Reserve and it stacks with the trade and hardcover bundles, so if you don't have a set or you want to gift one to a loved one, now is the time!
CGC / VHD / INSTAGRAM LIVE at 6PM PST: Tonight! I was going to do a poetry slam, but I got so bogged down in accounting that I want to really build towards that and do something special for STRANGERCON. So Instead we are going to share some original Stranger Comics stories PLUS:
CGC’s first batch is FINALLY in! I’ll be unboxing what they have sent. There are a lot more on the way, I’m just relieved to get these out to you guys! Let’s see what has turned up!
VAMPIRE HUNTER D IS LIVE! Please make sure you don’t miss out on our pals Unified Pictures and their incredible KS campaign which just launched and is smashing! Click the link here.
For the collectors, I’ll be sharing more of our original Stranger Comics VHD issues tonight on IG live at 6pm PST so don’t miss out!
SPREAD THE WORD/WEBSITE: We have the new featured collection section on the front page, so please spread the news and tell a friend…tell a Stranger we are here!
Much love!