June 17th, 2021 

Hello STRANGER family! 

I thought this quote may help you put on a smile ;-) 

As I have been talking a lot about how to combat anxiety and depression a bit over the past few weeks, it made me think of the phrase about tough times: “IT BUILDS CHARACTER.” In most cases, what a load of old bullshit. I think these can often be the excuses we give ourselves to deal with pain, excuses which lead to untreated scars. The wounds we don’t show and pretend aren’t there are reopened when someone or something points them out. We have to heal. In all ways. We have to practice healing. And then…our pain can be part of the well we draw from when creating our characters while building... our own character. What a quagmire! 

TONIGHT: On @strangercomics Instagram Live at the usual time of 6 PDT / 9 EDT, I am going to talk about this PLUS how to put yourselves into your own characters, which can be its own cathartic release. It’ll be fun! Honest! I may even dance again. Who'll dance with me? 

Also, I am going to explain how we created the Dwarven hero BUXTON STONEBEARD and you will have an opportunity to get 1 of 50 wraparound Buxton covers for ERATHUNE #1 with a FREE first printing! If you miss out, these covers are in the Stranger Reserve! So hop on over! PASSWORD: ARUKAS (Yep, the password is back). 

Much love,

P.S. Starting next week we are gonna rock our lives on our YouTube channel! Please subscribe :-)


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